
As parents, we want nothing but the best for our children. From the moment they are born, we strive to ensure their well-being and happiness. 

However, there are certain aspects of our children’s health that may go unnoticed, yet have far-reaching implications for their overall development. One such aspect is tongue tie.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why it’s crucial to catch tongue tie during infancy and address its potential long-term consequences.

What is Tongue Tie?

Tongue tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a condition where the thin membrane connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth is shorter or tighter than usual. 

While many may associate tongue tie solely with breastfeeding difficulties, its impacts extend far beyond infancy and can affect children into adulthood. 


Impact on Breastfeeding

Let’s start with the most commonly known consequence of tongue tie: its impact on breastfeeding. 

A baby with tongue tie may have difficulty latching onto the breast properly, leading to inadequate milk transfer, nipple pain for the mother, and frustration for both baby and parent. 

Addressing tongue tie early in infancy can improve breastfeeding outcomes and support a positive breastfeeding experience for mother and baby.


Mouth Breathing and Airway Restriction

Beyond breastfeeding, tongue tie can have significant implications for a child’s respiratory health. 

Mouth breathing, often a consequence of tongue tie, can lead to a restricted airway and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. 

Furthermore, inefficient swallowing due to tongue tie can alter the oral microbiome, potentially impacting gut health as well.


Sleep Disordered Breathing

Tongue tie can also contribute to sleep-disordered breathing, such as snoring and sleep apnea. 

When the tongue is unable to rest in its natural position against the roof of the mouth, it may fall back and obstruct the airway during sleep. This can result in disrupted sleep patterns, daytime fatigue, and long-term consequences for cognitive function and behavior.


Neurodevelopmental Issues

Deep REM sleep is essential for the body to fully rest and restore, and disruptions in sleep due to tongue tie can have neurodevelopmental consequences.

Children with untreated tongue tie may experience challenges such as ADHD and anxiety, stemming from a lack of restorative sleep during infancy and childhood.


Facial Structure and Dental Health

The tongue plays a crucial role in shaping the face and supporting proper dental development. Untreated tongue tie can lead to a recessed jaw, long face appearance, and asymmetric facial structure. 

Additionally, tongue tie can contribute to malocclusion and crowded, crooked teeth due to a high palate and narrow jaw. Even after orthodontic treatment, relapse may occur if the underlying tongue tie is not addressed.



In conclusion, catching and addressing tongue tie during infancy is of utmost importance for the overall health and well-being of children. 

While breastfeeding difficulties are often the initial concern, the impacts of tongue tie extend far beyond infancy and can affect various aspects of a child’s health, including respiratory function, sleep quality, neurodevelopment, facial structure, and dental health. 

If your baby is experiencing symptoms of tongue tie, contact us for personalized recommendations based on their unique needs and circumstances. With the right support and guidance, we can help you support your child’s optimal growth and development, setting them on a path to a healthy and thriving future.